My Services
Marriages can go through a rough patch but that’s not unusual. Unfortunately, many stay stuck in the pain and misery of a turbulent marriage while others (to their detriment) quickly master the art of dressing up the problems and pretending that all is well with their union.
To build and enjoy a truly fulfilling, godly marriage, you need a lot of wisdom - God’s kind of wisdom ( Prov 24:3-4 KJV).
There are three main ways of acquiring wisdom. First is through the study and understanding of God’s word. You search it out through hunger, persistence, diligent study and understanding of God’s word.
The second way of gaining wisdom is through mentorship and coaching. The bible tells us to follow those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised (Heb 6:12 NIV). So if they have achieved success in an area and it was obtained in a manner that is consistent with God’s word, it is beneficial to follow their guidance, coaching or mentorship in that area.
The third way of accessing wisdom is through your own mistakes. This is the most expensive way of gaining wisdom and knowledge in any area of life.
In the early years of my marriage, I struggled to communicate my needs and to resolve conflicts with my husband. But through God’s grace, transformational mentorship,empowerment through knowledge and understanding, I overcame these marital setbacks.I took actions.
Today, my marriage is even more beautiful than I envisioned as a little girl. I am enjoying my every day marriage and will like to show you how to do the same using my three months, bible-based relationship coaching programme.
Through the coaching programme, I help you define your relationship goals, stay focused on those goals, point out roadblocks and hold you accountable for reaching the set goals.
At the end of the three months programme, you would be equipped with the tools you require to handle emotionally challenging situations, communicate better, resolve conflicts,build healthy boundaries, build/rebuild trust and rekindle intimacy in your union.
The coaching is result-oriented and is delivered virtually in a relaxed atmosphere. After each session, there will be action points that help steer you in the direction of your goals.
Ready to take your first step towards your best marriage?
Tell us a bit about your situation here and book discovery call here.
Let’s do it!